
公司新闻       时间:2019-08-13 15:35      




  那么重点来了,在咱们雅思第三季白热化阶段,在P2部分问到的你一直想去拜访的地方(A place where you want to visit?)是不是就有了眉目了?咱们来看看作为设计之过的意大利,究竟有哪些地方值得咱们拜访。

  1. 意大利的家居设计(Furniture Design of Italy)

  意大利家具的设计,融传统制作工艺和现代科技手段于一体,以精湛的做工和可靠的质量享誉全球。对于意大利的家居设计,从文艺复兴时期至今已有百年历史,其家具风格主要为:巴洛克,洛可可,罗马,拜占庭等欧洲流行的风格 ;第二次世界大战以后来自托斯卡纳,威尼斯和米兰的三大家具风格成为意大利家具风格的主要代表。

  The design of Italian furniture combines traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. It is known worldwide for its exquisite workmanship and reliable quality. For Italian home design, it has been a century of history since the Renaissance. Its furniture styles are mainly contains: Baroque, Rococo, Rome, Byzantium and other European popular styles; after World War II, design from Tuscany, Venice and Milan's becomes three major furniture styles which have become the main representative of Italian furniture style.



  2. 意大利的汽车设计(Automobile design of Italy)

  除了意大利的家居设计,意大利的汽车设计也是有如艺术品般的存在,其所设计并生产的车型,包括Bertone (Lamborghini Miura) 兰博基尼, Pininfarina (Ferrari) 法拉利, Ghia (De Tommaso Pantera) 德托马索·潘特拉, Giorgetto Giugiaro (Maserati Ghibli) 玛莎拉蒂均享誉世界

  Apart from industrial and furniture, Italy is also famous for automobile design, with. car stylists like Bertone (Lamborghini Miura), Pininfarina (Ferrari), Ghia (De Tommaso Pantera), Giorgetto Giugiaro (Maserati Ghibli) which are all World-renowned.



  3. 意大利的摩托车设计(Motocycle Design of Italy )


  As an important way of city transportation, motorcycles play an important role in mitigating urban traffic. In the traditional sense, the motorcycles we see are more used for transportation. Most of them are not well designed, however the Italian motorcycle design has completely subverted people's understanding of motorcycles. With the increase of people's understanding of motorcycles, motorcycles are not only a substitute, but also play a playful role.




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