想去英国留学但不想考雅思怎么破 速看

课程资讯       时间:2020-03-05 09:37      



今天我们就来给大家安利一个最佳代替雅思的考试—— O Level English。对于想要去英国留学的小伙伴而又想要开始学习雅思的同学,不妨可以考虑一下哦!



Cambridge O-level考试是Cambridge Upper Secondary (14 to 16 years old) 里面的三大考试局之一,另外两个是大家都很熟悉的Cambridge IGCSE和Cambridge ICE Certificate


O Level English Language 适用于英国大部分学校。目前除了剑桥和LSE不能替代英语语言成绩外,其余学校对于O Level语言成绩的要求最高为B,具体来讲:O Level要求:牛津要求为B,帝国理工部分专业要求为B,其余大部分学校的大部分专业要求为C。


1. 公立学校学生,计划转国际学校的学生,因为阅读和写作能力偏高,听力口语能力偏低,可以选择捷径助自己一臂之力

2. 离出国读书还有至少一年的学生可以尝试参加考试,自己多一个机会

3. 对于中文语言能力偏强的学生,考试会更加容易理解和上手更可能出现高分


与雅思相比,O Level英语考试只考察阅读和写作两个技能,每年的2次考试时间:5月和10。阅读、写作各占50%测成绩。




Section 1: Directed Writing

Your best friend is a popular person at school and is very successful both inside and outside the classroom. Your friend is leaving the school to move overseas. Your teacher, Mr Johnson, asks you to make a speech to your classmates on the last day of term wishing your friend goodbye and good luck.

Write your speech. You must include the following:

• the name of your friend and where your friend is going.

• why your friend is moving.

• what you and your classmates will miss about your friend.

Cover all three points above in detail. You should make sure your speech is both polite and friendly.

Start your speech, ‘Mr Johnson and friends...

Section 2: Composition (选择一个题目)


2 Describe some of the people in the crowd present at a public event.

(Remember that you are describing the people and not telling the story of the event.)


3 ‘Young people should obey their elders without question.’ What do you think?

Give examples to support your views, which can be from your own experience if you wish.

4 What changes would you like to see take place in the next five years in your country? Clearly present your argument by giving reasons for your views.


5 Write a story which includes the sentence: ‘You want me to lead the group but I don’t think I have the right qualities.

6 Write a story in which a fear of flying is an important part.


希望今天的分享可以给大家带去一些新的思路和选择,当然了,如果你想进一步了解O Level英语考试,可以联系我们哦!


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